Unlock market potential

Comprehensive support to distributors, Jointly Develop regional marketing and instrallers with including market collaboration, and analysis, to drive effective market expansion

  • Facilitate the sharing
 of regional
 project resources

    Facilitate the sharing
    of regional
    project resources

  • Collaborative
 marketing initiatives

    marketing initiatives

  • Regular
 market analysis

    market analysis

Unlock market potential

Training & Support

Professional training programs for our distributors to ensure they are well-equipped with the knowledge and tools needed for success.

  • In-depth product training and installation support

    In-depth product training and installation support

  • Essential Product materials to quickly understand our products

    Essential Product materials to quickly understand our products


Comprehensive support to distributors, Jointly Develop regional marketing and instrallers with including market collaboration, and analysis, to drive effective market expansion

  • Initial project design

    Initial project design

  • On-site project support

    On-site project support

  • Post-project operations

    Post-project operations

Simplify Project Design


solat AID

Introducing the next-generation solar roof designing platform, acquring project design drawings and purchasing lists, all in 5 steps:

  • Location


  • Building


  • Design


  • Result


  • Output


All Packed In One

ANTAI Kit Package Solution

A complete roof solar mounting kit is assembled and packaged in a single box, containing all necessary components for the end user. This approach offers several advantages:

  • ·Reduces omissions and errors during the packaging process.
  • ·Simplifies logistics and enhances transportation efficiency.
  • ·Decreases warehouse management efforts.
  • ·Enhances installation efficiency through immediate readiness.

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(*) マークの付いたフィールドは必須です。
